Civil Rights | ELA / SS

What drives humans to seek equality?

There are key people and events that made big changes to the way our country and our laws function today. Despite those big changes, our nation continues to struggle with equality on many levels: income, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, religion, opportunity, &c. Equality, a virtue woven into the very foundation of this country, is something worth fighting for — no matter how long it takes. In this studio, you will be researching the Civil Rights movement and the modern-day inequalities that impact US citizens’ daily lives. With that research, you will be creating a multimedia presentation on a modern-day issue of civil rights or violation of liberties and bring awareness to the issue. Big change starts here, within each of us.

Table of Contents

  1. Engage
    1. Lesson 1
    2. Lesson 2
  2. Analyze Historical Events
  3. Reading Critically
  4. Conducting Research
  5. Engaging as a Citizen
  6. Creating My Project!
  7. Collaborative Discussion


Driving Questions: What are civil liberties and civil rights? What is a multimedia presentation?

Lesson 1: Entry Event

  1. Watch the documentary A Time For Justice.
  2. Make a copy of the Reflection Questions and complete them.

Lesson 2: Preview the Project

  1. Make a copy of the Student Overview document.
  2. Read the perfomance task description and review the inquiry question.
  3. Share the document with your instructor.
  4. Submit to Slate.